Zombie movies have become popular in the last several years, what does the rise of zombie movies say about us?

The section "Give Me Freedom from the Pursuit of My Satisfaction" really speaks to me. In this section the focus is on obsession of the pursuit. Does the fact that "pursuit of happiness" is written in one of the founding documents of the United States say anything about that obsession?

Is selfishness natural or taught?

On page 79 Rollins writes, "Indeed, people who are driven to pursue something like wealth or fame are often painfully aware of this reality." If that is the case, why are people driven for more, even when it is to their detriment?

"What we see here is a concrete example of how the freedom to pursue our highest ambitions is often not experienced as a freedom from an oppressive system but is itself felt to be oppressive." (page 79)

How does the internal protest that Rollins describes on page 80 relating to parents, children and church?

Page 86, Rollins says the Good News of Christianity is, "You can't be fulfilled; you can't be made whole; you can't find satisfaction." Do you agree that this is good news?

Any comments on the reference to Ecclesiastes on page 91?

Any comments about Rollins' take on atonement theories on page 93?

10/19/14; 12:36:51 PM

Last built: Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 7:25 PM

By Frank McPherson, Sunday, October 19, 2014 at 12:36 PM.