Idolatry of God, Chapter 5: Trash of the World

Ironic how the original meaning of crucifixion, off being outside of the divinely given order has become the symbol for those who are within the divinely given order. Christendom.

Rollins says in page 101 that Paul describes a form of universalism as operating on a fundamentally different level by inviting everyone into a community in which everyone exists beyond or outside the operative power of any given identity, including a Christian one. What does this mean?

Based on what Rollins is saying about Paul, do we think that Paul would like the term "Christian?"

Page 108, "Paul understands participation in the life of Christ as involving the loss of power that our various tribal identities once held for us."

In context of what Rollins writes about "universalism that is captured in the idea of the Christian as the trash of the world invites us to identify with the one who is placed outside all systems" what has been the affect of Constantine's church?

Last built: Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 8:05 PM

By Frank McPherson, Monday, October 20, 2014 at 7:25 PM. Only steal from the best.